Well done!
You've clicked Euler 10 times!
(It's actually pronouced Oi-LER instead of Yu-LER so this whole thing doesn't make sense)

Euler the Ruler!

An Eulerian Graph Tool

What is this Euler nonsense?

In graph theory, an Euler Path is a path that goes through every edge of a graph exactly once.
An Euler Circuit is an Euler Path that begins and ends at the same vertex.

Euler's Theorem:

  1. If a graph has more than 2 vertices of odd degree then it has no Euler paths
  2. If a graph is connected and has 0 or exactly 2 vertices of odd degree, then it has at least one Euler path
  3. If a graph is connected and has 0 vertices of odd degree, then it has at least one Euler circuit

Input edges in this format: [b,f],[c,d],[c,e],[f,e],[b,d] (one character per vertex)
